Tips, Hints, And Useful Info
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Tips Before You Leave Your Boat For Extended Times:
Check The Batteries
Before you leave the boat make sure you turn off the batteries that you usually isolate, such as starter batteries. Also don’t forget to make sure that the battery linked to the bilge pump is fully charged. Should a small leak develop, you want to be sure that the bilge pump can work effectively and for as long as it needs to.
Check The Head Seacock
Heads on the boat can malfunction and from experience, sometimes the seals can become weak which can lead to water coming in through the head. Some boaters leave the head seacock open, but if you’re risk averse, you may as well shut it off.
Check The Bilge Pump Float Switch
Float switches which cause bilge pumps to run are notorious for failing or becoming jammed or clogged. Before you leave, it’s worth reaching down in the bilge and flipping up the float switch or even better take a bucket of water and pour it into the bilge to make sure that the pump switches on.
Check Your Lines
Spend a few minutes double-checking that your lines and fenders are secured well. Don’t forget to check for chafe.
Leave Your Contact Details
If you’re in a place where you don’t know your neighbors, it’s usually a good idea to leave a way for people to get in touch with you in the case of an emergency.